Welcome to Good Stories!

Welcome to Good Stories!

Hello and welcome to Good Stories! A podcast presented by Sow Good, the snack company that our family founded during the pandemic when jobs and shelf-stable, healthy snacks were needed most.

We are SOW excited to bring you into our start-up world! We will share the stories of people who have inspired us, to inspire you to sow goodness in your health, communities, and environment. We bring the knowledge and lessons learned from guests in all fields health and wellness, sustainability, and, of course, entrepreneurship.

You’ll also hear the stories of our founders, employees, and mentors to give you a deeper look into what it takes to build a start-up. As any good story does, you will be taken on an emotional rollercoaster by our guests: expect to laugh, cry, and be inspired to take a small action today to change your world for the better. Because as small an act as the food you buy and stories you share can make a positive impact. So tune in every first and third Monday of the month for some good stories and help us sow goodness one snack, sip, and story at a time!

Do you or some you know have a good story to share on the show? Contact us at goodstories@sowginc.com!

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